Unique Stuff

Smallest Homes in the city we have come across:

1st runner up: 288 sq feet on Dunkirk Ave.

2nd runner up: 396 Sq feet on Pechin Ave.
Cherokee Ave. Smaller than above but not quite sure if its really a home. Looks like it

Smallest Parks in the City: 

1st Runner Up: ANDREWS Park - 12,109 sqf. Located on Williamson Rd next to Crossroads Mall

2nd Runner Up: HARKRADER Park - 18,107 sqf. Located next to Towers Mall

Crookedest streets in Roanoke:
Bramble Lane. 1st runner up

Montrose Ave SE.  2nd runner up

 Other Unique things we have come across:

Elvis at Mini Graceland on Riverland Rd.
Mini Graceland on Riverland Rd
Two Dragon/Gargoyles watch over the Rugby area in NW

Largest skillet in Roanoke - Williamson rd.

Neat statue near Recyling Center on Wonju St.